Randomizing a list<T> can be done using the Random and a simple LINQ query. Check out our card shuffling example below:
Randomizing a list of objects
Given a Card class
public class Card {
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Value { get; set; }
Initialize a new list of cards
var cards = new List<Card>() {
new Card() { Name = "Jack", Value = 10 },
new Card() { Name = "Queen", Value = 10 },
new Card() { Name = "King", Value = 10 },
new Card() { Name = "One", Value = 1 },
new Card() { Name = "Two", Value = 2 },
new Card() { Name = "Three", Value = 3 }
Shuffle the cards using Random
var rnd = new Random();
var shuffledCards = cards.OrderBy(a => rnd.Next());
//Do something with shuffledCards