string RSS
Follow The Programmer Blog RSS feed to stay up to date with the latest programming tutorials regarding anything string. If you're looking to upgrade your software developer shirt collection we offer some pretty cool programmer shirts. For more of the latest developer news and programming tutorials visit The Programmer Blog. View all programming tutorials tagged with string below:C# - Convert int to string
C# int to string conversion is actually one of the less painful conversions to do. Converting int to string in C# is easy because everything we need is built right into the library. Keep reading to learn the many ways to convert integers to strings in C#. Why convert int to string? Converting an integer to a string is a quite...
Python - Convert bytes to string
Converting bytes to a string in Python can be done by decoding the bytes into a unicode string. Below are a few examples of how to convert bytes to a string in both Python 2 and Python 3. We hope this quick guide helps the next time you are converting byte values in Python! If you need to convert int to string,...
Comparing strings in Java
Typically programmers become accustom to using the == operator when comparing strings. While this is certainly valid syntax in Java, there is a catch that you should know about. The Catch == compares object references .equals() compares string values Explained == performs a reference equality check, to determine whether the two objects (strings in this case) refer to the same object in the memory. The equals() method...
C# - Cast int to enum
Casting enums can get tricky in C# so we wanted to provide a few examples to help clarify the situation. Below we are using a simple enum to demonstrate how to cast an int to a enum, enum to an int. We will also go over how to check if an enum exists given an integer or string and how to...