Javascript RSS
Follow The Programmer Blog RSS feed to stay up to date with the latest programming tutorials regarding anything Javascript. If you're looking to upgrade your software developer shirt collection we offer some pretty cool programmer shirts. For more of the latest developer news and programming tutorials visit The Programmer Blog. View all programming tutorials tagged with Javascript below:Event binding on dynamically created elements
I can help you understand how to solve this problem without using the jQuery Live Query Plugin. The core issue you're facing is that the events are only bound to the elements present at the time the jQuery ready event fires. Select boxes added after that event is fired won't have the event listeners bound to them.To handle this, you...
How can I remove a specific item from an array in JavaScript?
Remove a Specific Value from an Array To remove a specific value from an array using plain JavaScript: function removeFromArray(array, value) { var index = array.indexOf(value); if (index !== -1) { array.splice(index, 1); } } If the value appears multiple times in the array, the above function will remove only the first occurrence. To remove all occurrences, use the following...
JavaScript && Python - Removing a specific element from an array
Removing one or many elements from an array in JavaScript is pretty straightforward. Though with all things programming there is some nuances that you should be aware of and there's a million ways to do it. Let's take a quick look at a few different examples to manipulate elements in JavaScript arrays. How do I remove a specific value from an array...
JavaScript - Understanding AJAX calls

For anyone starting out let's explain the exact meaning of "ajax". To start let's understand that "AJAX" means Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. This means we are sending an asynchronous call to the server using JavaScript and returning XML, or JSON in modern programming. The request to an API endpoint (ex. MVC Controller method) will return a JSON or XML object which will...
JavaScript Cheat Sheet
We have compiled a list of almost all of the JavaScript functions you will ever need! This is a nice guide to keep on hand when digging into web development with Vanilla JavaScript. Check out our Javascript Cheat Sheet below. JavaScript Booleans toSource() valueOf() toString() JavaScript Strings charAt() slice() charCodeAt() split() concat() substr() fromCharCode() substring() indexOf() toLowerCase() lastIndexOf() toUpperCase() length...