You can clone a specific branch from a remote repository without switching branches on the remote repository by using the --branch or --single-branch option with the git clone command.
Here's how you can clone a specific branch using the --branch option:
git clone -b <branch-name> <remote-repo-url>
For example, to clone the develop branch from the remote repository, you can use the following command:
git clone -b develop
Alternatively, you can use the --single-branch option to clone only a single branch, which can save time and bandwidth when cloning large repositories. Here's how you can use the --single-branch option:
git clone --single-branch -b <branch-name> <remote-repo-url>
For example, to clone only the develop branch from the remote repository, you can use the following command:
git clone --single-branch -b develop
These commands will clone only the specified branch from the remote repository to your local machine without switching branches on the remote repository.